Monday 13 January 2014

Catch up and stuff

Hi again

Soooo I finally have come back into the blogging world , YAY
So here is some things that have been going on

I broke my wrist 

I got two cute crochet snails 

Eww horrible photo but I hang out with my besties 

Christmas :) 

It was bugs 1 year with my family <3 

My friend got a new bunny who looks very squashed in this photo 

New Years 

Baby sitting marble *o* 

Face timing asha 

Went to the Benny tipany and Jackie Tomas concert 

I had some gelato mmmm

I rearranged my room :)

Stay tuned I have heaps to blog about 

See ya soon 

Niamh xx

Saturday 16 November 2013

Fluffy bunny pillows


Lately I have been creating something for my friends birthday. 
She really likes bunnys so I made 

  Bunny pillows! 


    They are so cute! 

    We will defiantly make some more :) 

   See ya! 


Monday 16 September 2013


Don't you think bunnies are just so cute! I do. So today I found out what was cuter than a bunny.

Oh its too cute

So what is cuter that a bunny?
Two bunnies!!!!!!!!!
OOH this wild bunny comes to see Bug daily and he is the most adorable thing ever!!

Oh and I got braces!!

See ya xx

Thursday 25 July 2013

My new skirt

Hi guys

A while ago my mum got be this fab new skirt from the op shop. The top I have on is from my mum also and the shoes I got from an op shop 😛   

 Do you like it? ❤ 

I am so excited because in less than a week I'm getting my braces, YAY

See ya xx 

Wednesday 17 July 2013

My new/old coat...

Ahhhh, dont you just LOVE Op/thrift whatever you call it shopping?
Well I do because the other day I got the most wonderful coat (it was $10 which is kind of expensive) I LOOOOVE it :) Do you want to see it? I'm going to show it to you anyway.

So heeeere it is;

Yes, I know its so cool!

I really love this coat! Thanks mum for getting it for me xx

See ya!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Cat Hat

Hey guys!

So yesterday my friend and I were dressing up and I found a big, white, fluffy cat hat. Its so warm and EVERYONE loves it.
Its so fluffy!

Hehehe, Bug also loves it! Oh and I have had this hat since I was 3

See ya

Friday 5 July 2013

Pippa Blythe

Hi Everyone!
Today I took some pictures of my Middie Blythe Pippa, she is a Melomelo Mew I got for Christmas.